
WordPress 在最新的6.3版本之后,设置了一个新的缓冲区用于应对在升级失败时的版本回退,其采用PHP的Move_dir()功能直接进行文件移动,这个功能的出发点是好的,更新时出现问题不至于整个博客都挂了,但是不知道为啥现在普遍做成了Bug,因为没有文件夹的创建权限,导致很多人无法再使用WordPress更新了。


word-press update failed: can not create upgrade-temp-backup

  1. Permissions: Ensure proper permissions (755 for directories, 644 for files) in the WordPress installation and “wp-content” directory.
  2. Temporary Directory: Check for sufficient disk space and any restrictions on creating directories within “wp-content.”
  3. Server Config: Verify no server restrictions (like open_basedir) affecting directory creation.
  4. Conflict Check: Temporarily deactivate plugins, switch to default theme to identify conflicts.
  5. WordPress Version: Check official documentation for WordPress 6.3 for any new features or changes.
  6. Debugging: Enable debugging in wp-config.php to get detailed error messages.
  7. Hosting Support: If issue persists, contact hosting support for server-specific assistance.



# 进入wordpress的wp-content文件目录
cd /var/www/html/wp-content
# 创建文件夹
mkdir upgrade-temp-backup
# 设置权限
chmod 775 upgrade-temp-backup/
分类: 博客搭建

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